AFL Development owner speaking at WordCamp Sofia 2023

As a lot of other IT events, WordCamp Sofia had to take a temporary hiatus during and due to COVID-19 pandemic. After 3 years of no WordCamps in Bulgaria, Bulgarian WordPress community got together and decided to organize WordCamp Sofia. It was set to be held on 22nd and 23rd of April 2023.

2023 edition of WordCamp Sofia was organized as one-track conference with 8 sessions. Day after the conference, as it usually happens on WordCamps, was reserved for Contributors’ Day. After the speaker selection process, organizers chose Nikola Dimitrijević, the owner of AFL Development to be one of those 8 speakers. Dimitrijević’s status was further enhanced by the fact that he was the only non-Bulgarian speaker, adding to the prestige. The talk, titled “Sun Tsu’s principles for webmasters” combined Sun Tsu’s philosophy and practices in web development, as well as how to overcome obstacles webmasters might run into.